7th Grade Required Courses

  • English 7 (full year)

    English 7 (full year)

    -- Seventh grade English is a year-long course covering reading, writing, speaking, listening and viewing. It provides a review of previously studied grammar concepts and literary elements as well as introduces students to new fundamentals of language. Emphasis is placed on reading comprehension of novels, plays, poetry, and nonfiction. Students will also write for a variety of purposes: description, narration, exposition, and persuasion. Another focus of the course is preparing for the MCA reading test.

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  • Math (full year)

    Math (full year)

    -- Pre-Algebra: This course is a bridge between the study of arithmetic skills and algebra. This course will review number properties using rational numbers including whole numbers, integers, fractions and decimals. There will be a large emphasis on ratios, percents, proportions, graphing, and solving equations and inequalities. We will also cover the topic of measurement and introduce algebra, geometry and probability and statistics.

    -- Linear Algebra (advanced): Students are placed in this course based on 6th grade teacher recommendation. This course is an introduction to the many concepts of algebra. Students will learn the primary topics of linear algebra including use of variables, problem solving, real numbers, solving equations, and writing and graphing linear equations.

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  • Earth Science (quarter)

    Earth Science (quarter)

    --Earth science explores four major areas: geology, meteorology, oceanography and astronomy. Geology covers rock and mineral identification and plate tectonics and geologic time. Meteorology investigates the water cycle and weather prediction. Ocean floors and currents are explored in oceanography. Astronomy includes the study of our solar system, stars, galaxies and the universe.

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  • American History 7 (2 quarters)

    American History 7 (2 quarters)

    -- The seventh grade United States History class will introduce students to the study of the people, events, and issues that form a comprehensive view of American history. The major objective of the class is to help students take their place as participating citizens in our American democracy. Students will be introduced to map reading, interpreting graphs and charts, interpreting political cartoons, and a variety of other study and critical thinking skills. The class will also review and discuss current events on a regular basis.

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  • PE and Health 7 (quarter each)

    PE and Health 7 (quarter each)

    -- The Physical Education curriculum is designed to promote physical development, self-esteem, knowledge and introduce new, enjoyable experiences for life-long physical fitness and well-being. The class will offer a variety of individual, dual and team activities with an emphasis on active participation and sportsmanship.

    -- The seventh-grade health class involves looking at our health from a holistic viewpoint including physical, mental and social health.

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  • FACS 7 (quarter)

    FACS 7 (quarter)

    -- This course promotes practical experiences in life skills. Units emphasized are personal development, family relations, child care, sewing, and food preparation. Many hands on experiences are part of the class, including a one day play school for preschoolers, sewing a pillow, and food labs.

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  • Industrial Tech 7 (quarter)

    Industrial Tech 7 (quarter)

    -- This course is designed to introduce the student to several areas of technology. Students will discover what technology is and how it affects our lives. It explores drafting, communication, construction, manufacturing, and transportation and how we use each of these in our everyday lives. Projects will include tic-tac-toe board, CO2 dragster car, and a small wood bridge.

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  • Band/ Choir (must choose Band, Choir, or Both)

    Band/ Choir (must choose Band, Choir, or Both)

    -- Band: open to all seventh grade students who play a band instrument. Skills learned from sixth grade band will be reinforced with new skills introduced. Students who were not enrolled in sixth grade band may join seventh grade band after successfully completing one semester of private lessons or at the director’s discretion.
    Seventh grade band presents four concerts during the school year. A wide variety of music is presented to expose the performer and listener to different periods and styles.
    Required concert attire is blue jeans and a plain white T-shirt.

    -- Choir: open to all seventh grade students who have the desire to sing and enjoy music. The basic fundamentals of good singing are stressed in the choir. Because the singing voice can be used for the rest of a student’s lifetime, its development and improvement is a desirable goal.
    Seventh grade choir presents four concerts. One, two, and three part music with and without accompaniment is sung. A variety of music is sung including popular music. The development of sight-reading skills and understanding music symbols and notation are covered.

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