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MSHSL Rules and Guidelines

  • The Extemporaneous Speech should be an original synthesis of current fact and opinion on a topic drawn by the contestant. Speakers may choose from either U.S. or International topics. The Judge(s) should consider the quality of information presented by the speaker, together with the speaker's use of that information to support the thesis.
  • The subjects for this event shall be taken from the following magazines and newspapers, with an attempt to balance social, economic, and political issues: Time, St. Paul Pioneer Press, U.S. Weekly News, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Newsweek.
  • The MSHSL will publish each fall subject areas chosen from these publications. The MSHSL will provide questions in both U.S. and International areas for each level of MSHSL competition. 
  • Questions shall require persuasive rather than informative speeches.
  • The goal of this activity is the encouragement of extensive reading, understanding of many subjects, and the development of reasoned, supportable positions on issues.
  • The order of speaking shall be determined by lot. Thirty (30) minutes before the contest begins, the first speaker shall draw three questions. The speaker shall immediately choose one of them and return the other two, which shall then be put with the other questions remaining to be drawn. The questions chosen shall be recorded by the Event Manager. Each of the succeeding speakers shall, at intervals of eight (8) minutes, in turn, follow the same procedure. In the event that the student draws a previously performed question, she/he may draw substitute question.
  • The student may not perform a cutting that she/he has performed in any round of that competition. In the event that the student draws a previously performed cutting, she/he shall draw a substitute cutting.
  • During the thirty (30) minutes of preparation of the speech, students may consult published books, magazines, newspapers and journals and Internet articles downloaded from established news sources, provided:
    • They are originals or photocopies of whole pages.
    • Provided those originals or photocopies are uncut.
    • There is no written material on that original or copy other than highlighting and citation information (such as publication title and date).
    • Topical index may be present. No other material shall be allowed in the prep room other than stated above. Extemporaneous speeches, handbooks, briefs, and outlines shall be barred from the prep room. Outlines and notes created in the prep room during preparation time at the tournament are allowed. Students are not permitted the use of computers to do research during the preparation period but may use computers to retrieve already-stored information. After the contestant has drawn a question, the student shall not confer or have any communication in any way with a coach or others until the speech has been delivered. A contestant may use one side of one 3" x 5" note card during the delivery of the speech.
  • Each speaker shall present the question drawn to the Room Manager or Judge(s) of the round. Upon completion of the speech, each speaker shall immediately present any notes used to the Room Manager or Judge(s) who will present the same to the Contest Manager.
  • The Judge(s) shall not be permitted to ask questions of the speakers.
Unless otherwise determined by the Region Committee, the questions are to be furnished by the League Office for:
  1. Subsection Contests: The questions, U.S. and International, will be furnished to the Contest Manager prior to said contest.
  2. Section Contests: The questions, U.S. and International will be furnished to the Contest Manager prior to said contest.
The contestant in Extemporaneous Speaking is responsible for:
  1. Strict adherence to the question drawn.
  2. Well-chosen information relative to the question drawn.
  3. Organization of the material.
  4. Effective delivery.

Draws Info

Extemporaneous Speaking Pamphlet