Wrap Around Care
- Students will have opportunities for free play, large and small motor activities, preschool enrichments, crafts, and more!
- Wrap Around Care is a fee-based child care program, offered through Kid Connection, that serves as your "complementary care" when your child is not in their AM or PM preschool classes.
- Care is available to full-time and part-time preschool students (Public School and Punkin & Monkeys Preschool), limited spots are available.
- Full-time preschool-age care (5 days) is $70 a week for Monday-Friday; from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM or 11:00 AM - 2:50 PM. We do offer care on non-preschool days.
- Billing is done every Friday for the week following.
- Lunch and snacks are included.
- Participants must be toilet trained.
- Care is available on schedules non-preschool days.
- Participants who need care after 2:50 PM must enroll in the Kid Connection after-school program. This is a separate registration from Wrap Around Care. (K.C. has a 4-day minimum sign-up after school each week.)
- Kid Connection also offers care on most K-12 non-school days.
Contact Info: Director Trish Bushard - 320-352-2258 ext. 1155 (or) trish.bushard@isd743.org