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Testing & Assessment

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District Assessments

Sauk Centre Public School District uses various formal and informal assessments.  The data collected from these assessments highlights students' strengths, needs, and assists in the determination of interventions and/or other district-available services.

Students in grades K-8 take the FastBridge assessments, which assess a student’s reading and math ability based on their grade level.  This assessment is given three times per year (September, January, May).  Data assists in differentiating instruction and is used to plan interventions to foster growth in academic areas of need.

Statewide Assessments

The Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA) of reading is given to students in grades 3-8 and 10, and grades 3-8 and 11 for math.   The MCA for Science is given to students in grades 5, 8, and 11.  

To understand more about Minnesota Statewide Testing, you can click on the following link:  Minnesota Statewide Assessments

To access the parent refusal/opt-out form, click here to view the "Parent/Guardian Guide and Refusal for Student Participation in Statewide Testing".

National Assessments

ACT Logo
The Sauk Centre Public School District also gives the opportunity to students in grade 11 to take the ACT (with Writing).  Any seniors who did not take the test during their junior year are also given the opportunity to participate.  The 2024 ACT (with Writing) will take place on April 10th.  If you are a student who has taken the ACT and wish to retake it, go to the Counselor page for more information.




District Assessment Coordinator

If you have any questions regarding these assessments, please contact Nikki Linscheid: