Secondary School Announcements
Sauk Centre
Secondary School
Monday, January 13, 2025
Happy Birthday to our January
Streeter Birthdays!
January 12-18
Reagan Frericks, Yahir Botello-Ramirez, Payton Austin, Mylee Middendorf, Jace Chalich, Blake Groetsch, Carter Kleinschmidt, Brody Laven, Braelyn Trisko, Emma Macey, Colton Soenneker, Maycoll Ramos Avilez, Lixy Ambriz, Gabriel Middendorf, Grason Morton, Jackson Messer, Victoria Alvarez Vazquez, Addison Bick, Katlyn Mader, Emily Schmiesing, Wyatt Turner, Mayleigh Krick, Sidney Mortiz
Happy Birthday to our
Streeter ½ Birthdays!
July 13-19
Brookly Fuchs, Jaxon Meyer, Killian Howe, Gabriel Harren, Sophia Ostendorf Barrera, Avery Peters, Shaelyn Schmitz, Bryce Fiedler, Taishkaliz Michel Robles, Chayse Hellmann, Leyla Sarmiento Mota, Sawyer Deters, William Wanderscheid, Hadley Wheeler, Aiden Borgmann, Wilberth Botello-Ramirez, Victoria Jennissen, Keira Anderson, Kali Bromenshenkel, Avi Losey
Streeter News
Attention Middle School Students: A yearbook survey for grades 5-8 has been shared. Please check your school Gmail account for the survey.
Congratulations to our FFA Poultry team, they have made it to state! The team consisted of Noah Christen, Rylan Pallow, and Luke Wanderscheid and took 2nd as a team at the regional contest. Rylan took 4th as an individual and Noah took 7th as an individual.
~ January Streeter Way Competition ~
Grade level competition for a free period in the gym on January 17th! National Guard obstacle course, bean bag boards, ping pong tables, etc.
1 winner from grades 5th/6th/7th
1 winner from grades 8th/9th/10th
1 winner from grades 11th/12th
Any Sophomore, Junior or Senior interested in Dentistry or Dental Hygiene please see Mrs. Thiesen about an opportunity at Main Street Dental. Deadline is next Monday, January 13, 2025.
ALL BOYS AND GIRLS AGES 9 TO 14 are invited to participate in the Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship. The competition is a free event that will be held January 19th at the Sauk Centre Public School Multi Purpose Room. Registration starts at 12:30 PM. All participants receive a participation certificate. The winners of each age group will advance to the district competition which will be at the same location. Forms are available at the AD’s office.
Stearns County 2025 Dairy Princess Program: Stearns County American Dairy Association is looking for potential dairy princess candidates. If you are a daughter/sister of a dairy farmer or work for a dairy farmer and are between the ages of junior in high school--under age 24, you are asked to share your knowledge of the dairy industry and promote your family’s business and way of life to the public by participating in this year’s Dairy Princess Program. Deadline: 2/3/2025: Applications may be picked up at the 9-12 office
Credit Recovery: Credit Recovery will begin on Wednesday, 1/8/2025 from 3:15-6:15 in the SH Media Center. If you receive an application please return it to the SH Counseling Office! See Mrs. Thiesen with any questions.
BLOOD DRIVE: Please consider donating your blood!Any questions? Check with a Student Council member or Mrs. Gustafson/Mrs. Determan.
Blankets: As of Monday, 12/9/24, blankets are no longer allowed in school.
Repeat Streeter News
Now Stocked and Open!
The Streeter Way Care Closet is now up and running!
Thanks to generous donations, we can offer personal care items and food to students in need.
Any student who could benefit from the Care Closet should contact/stop by the SH Counseling Office to gain access. They will be able to choose whatever they need when they need it.