Sauk Centre
Secondary School
Wednesday, February 5, 2025

“Good morning. This is Heather and Hanna, your school counselors, and today is the first day of National School Counseling Week. The theme of this year’s week is “School Counseling: Helping Students Thrive.”
We want to talk about what it means to truly thrive. Thriving means growing, succeeding and feeling fulfilled in all areas of your life, and as school counselors, we want to help you achieve that. There are several areas where we can help you thrive, including your academic growth, your emotional well-being and your career exploration.
For example, thriving academically means setting goals, staying motivated, and finding joy in learning. We can help you develop strategies to be successful academically.
Thriving emotionally means feeling balanced, resilient, and supported. If you’re feeling stressed or anxious, we’re here to listen and help you navigate your feelings.
Thriving in your future means understanding your strengths and passions. We can help you explore different careers and plan for a future that excites you.
Helping you thrive is our goal. We hope you’ll reach out when you need support or just want to chat. Let’s work together to THRIVE the rest of this school year.
Have a wonderful day!”

Happy Birthday to our February
Streeter Birthdays!
February 1-8
Gabriel H., Yarel B O., Ruby L., Alicia G., Drew B., Jesse K., Garret D., Avalyn B., Lauren R.,
Aubree F., Yareli R., Brianna L., Silas B., Ellery A., Ellery A., Victor A., Amelia A., Kayden K.,
Bryce P., Allan A., Brennan O., Jonathan M D.
Happy Birthday to our
Streeter ½ Birthdays!
August 1-9
Wyatt A., Manuel C L., Landon M., Lucas M., Tenley L., Stella Z., Isaac Hl, Sophie S., Tyaus M., Kaiya N.,
Nevaeh M., Terrynce M., Jacob L., Megan U., Kylee J.
Streeter News

Streeter News
2025 Farm Kids for College Scholarships that graduating seniors can apply for. I hope the students would be interested in applying for the scholarship amounts of $2500, $1500, or $1000 to pay for their freshman year of college in an ag program. See Mrs. Gerads for more information.
Attention Seniors! There will be a Dollars for Scholars Application meeting on Monday, February 10, 2025 at 1:50 pm in the auditorium.

Hello Juniors! This week or early next week your parents will be receiving a letter about the ACT test in April. The ACT is offered to Juniors once a year at our school. This is an optional test. The date for the ACT will be Wednesday, April 9th starting at 8:15am in the MPR. Cost for the ACT test is $68.00. You can pay with cash or a check made out to ISD #743 by March 3rd. You can give this to Tracey. If you are unable to take the test due to cost, please reach out to me as there other options to help cover the cost. If you are unable to take the test that day but want to take the ACT, you will need to visit and find a time and place that works for you. April 9th will be the only time it is offered at our school during the school day.
Click on the link to register for the test.
Sign Up Deadline: February 10th
Let Mrs. Linscheid or Mrs. Thiesen know if you have any questions
~ February Incentive ~
Grades 7-12: 1 student from each grade will get their Celebration Day activity paid for!
***If you win, you will be reimbursed***
Grades 5-6: 1 student from each grade will win a $25 Casey’s Amusement Park gift card.
Repeat Streeter News
District Cell Phone Policy Review 9-12 students: We want to review the district phone policy with you. This is a reminder that student phones are to remain in lockers during instructional time. There has been an increase in student's phones being used immediately after class and right up to the point that students are walking into class. It is clear that the phones are not in lockers during instructional time.
Starting on Monday, January 27th, with a focus on the 5-8 end, students that have their phones in the hallways at any time will be given a phone violation. 9-12 students' lockers are located in the high school end, so it is evident that students are not placing phones in lockers during instructional time. The physical location considered the 5-8 end of the building will be the double doors near the custodial area on the cafeteria side of the building, and double doors toward the gym on the Industrial Tech side.
If students are seen on their phone in the 5-8 end, they may either be asked which teacher they are going to or just came from so a report of a phone violation can be reported, -OR- the student phone may be requested and will immediately be turned into the 5-8 office.
Please be respectful of the District Phone Policy that has been in place since day one of school. Hopefully, we can get the expectations back to where they need to be!
Now Stocked and Open! The Streeter Way Care Closet is now up and running! Thanks to generous donations, we can offer personal care items and food to students in need. Any student who could benefit from the Care Closet should contact/stop by the SH Counseling Office to gain access. They will be able to choose whatever they need when they need it.

Stearns County 2025 Dairy Princess Program: Stearns County American Dairy Association is looking for potential dairy princess candidates. If you are a daughter/sister of a dairy farmer or work for a dairy farmer and are between the ages of junior in high school--under age 24, you are asked to share your knowledge of the dairy industry and promote your family’s business and way of life to the public by participating in this year’s Dairy Princess Program. Deadline: 2/3/2025: Applications may be picked up at the 9-12 office
